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Jordi Díaz Alamà

Jordi Díaz Alamà (b. 1986, Granollers) lives and works in Barcelona.

Alamà is also the founder, in 2013, of the Barcelona Academy of Art, an educational center specialized in teaching figurative drawing, painting, and sculpture.

Alamà’s practice explores the intersections between classical figurative painting and contemporary aesthetics. The artist incorporates references from art history, inviting viewers to come into these intimate spaces where the artist’s models coexist.

As a lifelong project, Alamà has undertaken the monumental challenge of reinterpreting Dante’s Divine Comedy. He began with the Inferno, the first part of this epic opus, at the start of the pandemic in 2020. In this series, the artist provides a profound perspective on the state of humanity, using the image of condemned souls trapped in mystical landscapes as a metaphor for the misery of the modern world. Through this contrast between the painful reality of the present and the eternal agony of souls in a frigid and brutal hell, the author prompts us to reflect on the consequences of our actions and decisions as a society.

His works can be found in the permanent collections of the MEAM and the Can Framis Museum in Barcelona, as well as in private collections in Europe, the United States, and Australia.

For enquiries regarding Jordi's works, please contact us

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